Sanitize Effortlessly, Effectively, and Safely - in your Car Trunk!
Introducing AutoBlast, the next-generation UVC Sanitizer. Install it in your car trunk, and effortlessly sanitize items before bringing them into your home. Turn your trunk into an automatic sanitizing compartment that you can take with you anywhere. The AutoBlast is a must-have for the 21st century.
How It Works
Install the Autoblast inside your car trunk. When you close the trunk lid, sanitization will begin automatically. After 10 minutes, everything inside your trunk is sanitized. The AutoBlast also has a built-in safety system: sanitization stops automatically if the trunk is opened to prevent direct exposure to UVC.
Problems Solved
Integrates Seamlessly with Your Lifestyle.
Everything is automatic.
Key Features
Patent Pending Design
The design and technology behind the AutoBlast has a pending patent in the United States. Our 3-Step Sanitization process helps ensure that absolutely everything inside the trunk is sanitized.
Enclosure design by Redek
MVP Prototype
We built an MVP to validate our idea. We 3D printed the case and made the circuit using a CNC.
Then, we tried growing mold & bacteria! We swabbed a mysterious sample onto two petri dishes, and exposed one to UVC light for 10 minutes. See what happened with our control dish... The sanitization was successful!
Then, we tried growing mold & bacteria! We swabbed a mysterious sample onto two petri dishes, and exposed one to UVC light for 10 minutes. See what happened with our control dish... The sanitization was successful!
Market Research
We conducted a survey to better understand the market. We asked over 300 people about their sanitizing behavior and their prospects of the future, during and after COVID-19.
Here are some interesting findings:
- Sanitizing is becoming a Habit - Most consumers have adopted the habit of sanitizing frequently touched objects/surfaces.
- Rising Health & Environmental Concerns - Customers are becoming aware of the health and environmental effects of cleaning supplies.
- Growing Awareness of UV Sanitization - UV Sanitizers are not yet widely used. Consumers are aware of sanitizing with UV, but are not experts. However, they are open to trying out
What do you sanitize?